Experience of intensification of personnel departments training of local bodies of the MIA of Russia in the system of advanced training


Mironkina Oksana1


1. Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia


The article reveals the features of the activities of personnel departments from the point of view of legal specifics and their role in the implementation of the tasks assigned to the internal affairs bodies. The constantly changing regulatory framework governing the activities of human resources departments requires a high level of qualification and the ability to analyze and master it in a multitasking environment. The problems and shortcomings in the level of preparedness of personnel departments for modern conditions of service are shown. The features of their professional development are revealed. The author analyzes the domestic and foreign experience of professional development of law enforcement agencies and police officers, in particular. The analysis of foreign literature allows us to compare the domestic experience of professional development with foreign experience in terms of applied methods and technologies. Intensification is highlighted as a way to increase the effectiveness of training in a short time. The author’s employee training program is presented, revealing the organization, content, technologies and methods that contribute to the intensification of training. The experience of implementing this program and its effectiveness are described. The description of evaluation tools is given, the comparative data of training according to the experimental and traditional program with the use of quantitative and qualitative indicators confirming the effectiveness of experimental work are given.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

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