Epidemiology and Anthropology: Some Suggested Affinities in Theory and Method


Fleck Jr. Andrew1,Ianni Francis2


1. Department of Health, Troy, New York

2. Anthropology and Psychology, Russell Sage College, Troy, New York


One of the most promising partnerships in recent scientific history is the growing liaison between social science and medicine. Today, anthropologists and other behavioral scientists are working with physicians, psychiatrists, health workers, and medical scientists in a variety of tasks. Most of these social scientists working in the health field have been involved in action programs of various sorts. Inter-disciplinary projects designed for health improvement, attitude change, and even psychotherapy have been much more common than any basic socio-medical research and as a result of the applied nature of such studies, there has been little real communication between theorists in these fields. Another reason for this lack of intercommunication has been the characteristic role of the social anthropologist in the health field. Since the eventual goal of all health research is an action program designed to improve the health and welfare of the patient, the various practitioners of health are the ones who become the actual implementers. Consequently, the anthropologist is usually assigned to the role of consultant.


Society for Applied Anthropology


General Social Sciences,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous),Anthropology

Cited by 26 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Making Better Numbers through Bioethnographic Collaboration;American Anthropologist;2021-04-11

2. Countering the Curse of Dimensionality;Epidemiology;2019-07

3. Anthropological and Epidemiological Collaboration to Help Communities Become Healthier;Epidemiology and Culture;2005-02-21

4. Epidemiology and Culture;Epidemiology and Culture;2005-02-21

5. Foreword by S. Leonard Syme;Epidemiology and Culture;2005-02-21








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