Effect of Phosphorus and Molybdenum Applications on Macro and Micro Nutrient Content of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Straw and Grain


Erman Murat1ORCID,Çığ Fatih2ORCID,Sönmez Ferit3ORCID,Ceritoğlu Mustafa2ORCID


1. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi




The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of phosphorus and molybdenum treatment on macro and micronutrient biofortification in bean. The study sheds light on the individual and interactive effects of phosphorus and molybdenum on macro and micronutrient uptake and biofortification in Phaseolus vulgaris. Three levels of phosphorus and molybdenum were used in the experiment laid out in a randomized block design with four replications. Phosphorus and molybdenum treatment promoted nitrogen accumulation in both straw and seed. Nitrogen content increased with rising phosphorus doses in straw and seed over control by 42.3% and 7.4%, respectively. Moreover, phosphorus addition increased straw manganese content while molybdenum enhanced straw manganese. In addition, 4 g Mo kg-1/seed treatment boosted seed magnesium concentration over control by 28.2%, however, no phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron, and zinc in the plant materials, likely due to the sufficient levels of these nutrients in the soil composition of the experimental area. According to results, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc varied in straw and seed between 3.15-7.05% and 17.5-19.2%, 586-990 ppm and 1049-1355 ppm, 695-2690 ppm and 1021-1727 ppm, 5839-11162 ppm and 559-1303 ppm, 690-1474 ppm and 348-1036 ppm, 25.3-38.3 ppm and 8.29-9.29 ppm, 8.6-16.9 ppm and 11.3-19.9 ppm, 469-927 ppm and 70.2-80.3 ppm, 6.5-10.8 ppm and 17.9-23.3 ppm, respectively. Consequently, it has been determined that molybdenum supplementation is necessary along with phosphorus fertilization in areas where beans are grown, especially in acidic soils.


Igdir University

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