The concept of a conformable derivative on time scales is a relatively new development in the field of fractional calculus. Traditional fractional calculus deals with derivatives and integrals of non-integer order on continuous time domains. However, time scale calculus extends these concepts to more general time domains that include both continuous and discrete points. The conformable derivative on time scales has several properties that make it advantageous in certain applications. For example, it satisfies a chain rule and has a simple relationship with the conformable integral, which facilitates the development of differential equations involving fractional order dynamics. It also allows for the analysis of systems with both continuous and discrete data points, making it suitable for modeling and control applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, and finance. In this study, the Sturm-Liouville problem and its properties are examined on an arbitrary time scale using the proportional derivative, a more general form of the fractional derivative. Important spectral properties such as self-adjointness, Green formula, Lagrange identity, Abel formula, and orthogonality of eigenfunctions for this problem are expressed in proportional derivatives on an arbitrary time scale.
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