Histo-Anatomical Characteristics of Some Endemic Species of Linum (Linaceae)






In this study, endemic two species belonging to the genus Linum and distributed in Türkiye are investigated. The outermost layer of the Linum flavum subsp. scabrinerve (P.H. Davis) P.H. Davis root, according to its cross-section, is covered with epidermis cells. In the stem cross-section, the vascular bundles are in the form of a continuous ring and sclerenchyma cells are determined on it. The lower surface and the upper surfaces of leaf have 88 and 51 stomata respectively. It contains few glandular hairs. The root of Linum hirsutum subsp. pseudoanatolicum P. H. Davis have secondary growth. Periderm cells on the outside are oval or isodiametric in shaped. In the stem cross-section, vascular bundles are in the form of a continuous ring. The cortex layer, consists of oval or rectangular shaped 9-10 rows of parenchymatous cells. The lower surface and the upper surfaces of leaf have 48 and 46 stomata respectively. No glandular or non-glandular hairs are found on the epidermis. As a result, anatomical comparison of two different taxa belonging to the same genus was made with this study. According to the findings, the root structures of the species, the presence of sclerenchyma on the stem, the size of the stomata of the leaf, mesophyll types and the presence of glandular hairs are different from each other.


Igdir University

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