Distance education is a type in which individuals can realize their learning activities in line with their current technological possibilities, independent of time and space concepts, sharing information and documents with technological tools and applications, and establishing communication and interaction. Self-efficacy is knowing and believing in one's abilities to do a job. Self-efficacy belief levels towards online learning environments are important factors affecting the educational process. For this reason, determining students' self-efficacy levels in distance education processes is accepted as an essential factor in increasing the quality of educational activities. This study aimed to determine the distance education self-efficacy belief levels of prospective history teachers and the distance education self-efficacy belief levels according to variables such as readiness, gender, grade, and disadvantage. Within the scope of the research, two different scales were used with 109 history teacher candidates from different grade levels of 4 different state universities with the appropriate or convenient sampling method. As a result of the research, no significant difference was found in readiness, gender, and grade variables. Another finding of the study was that disadvantages such as mobile data and internet problems had a negative effect on self-efficacy belief levels. In addition to these, it was investigated whether pre-service teachers' online readiness level was related to self-efficacy belief level and a positive relationship was found between readiness level and self-efficacy belief level.
Participatory Educational Research (Per)
Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education
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