The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy in The Relationship Between Self-Determination Motive and Academic Engagement Among Undergraduate Students
Ghbari Thaer1ORCID, Albadareen Ghaleb1ORCID, Al-smadi Rana2ORCID, Damra Jalal1ORCID, Shammout Nizar1ORCID
1. The Hashemite University 2. Yarmouk University
Academic engagement (AE) is an educational concern, and universities seek to increase its level by identifying the factors affecting it. Self-determination theory (SDT) and self-efficacy (SE) have been assumed to affect academic engagement directly or indirectly. Recognizing the significance of investigating AE and the factors influencing it, a notable research gap is spotted in the exploration of the mediating influence of SE in the relationship between SDT and AE. The current study tried to fill this gap and aimed to reveal the levels of self-determination, self-efficacy, and academic engagement of undergraduate students as well as the mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between the self-determination motive and academic engagement. After applying the relevant measures to a sample of 240 undergraduate students, the results showed that self-efficacy and autonomy as a dimension of self-determination had a medium level, while the level of relatedness was high; moreover, the level of academic engagement was high and self-efficacy was low. Autonomy and competence as components of self-determination were also revealed to directly and indirectly affect academic engagement. The results also demonstrated the mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between self-determination motive and academic engagement. In light of the previous findings, there are some important implications, through which the teachers and faculty members can identify the factors affecting AE to help students increase their participation in educational activities. Psychological Counsellors can also use the findings to help students in coping with academic life challenges and positively interacting with their educational environment.
Participatory Educational Research (Per)
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