1. Apicella, L., Forsythe, S., Kahabuka, C., Onyango, F., Ruhago, G., Geibel, S., Weiss, E., Antelman, G., Ven, R. V. d. & Zieman, B. (2021). Assessment of multi-month dispensing for anti-retroviral treatment of HIV in Tanzania: policy, outcomes, and costing. USAID, Project SOAR. https://projsoar.org/resources/tanzania-mmd-report/
2. The impact of COVID‐19 on multi‐month dispensing (MMD) policies for antiretroviral therapy (ART) and MMD uptake in 21 PEPFAR‐supported countries: a multi‐country analysis
3. Forsythe, S., Lee, B., Dutta, A. & Barker, C. (2016). ART Resource Requirements and Potential Efficiency Gains in Tanzania. Paper presented at the PowerPoint presentation at the International AIDS Economic Network Pre-Conference, Durban, South Africa. https://www.heard.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ART-Resource-Requirements-and-Potential-Efficiency-Gains-in-Tanzania.pdf.
4. HIV treatment support services in Tanzania: a cost and efficiency analysis at facility and community levels
5. Changes in HIV treatment differentiated care uptake during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Zambia: interrupted time series analysis