Reconstructive head and neck surgery is the main determinant of postoperative quality of life for patients who have undergone surgery for neoplastic pathology, since good aesthetic and functional results are essential to reduce the incidence of complications. To a large extent, the success of these results depends on a team of anesthesiologists who have advanced knowledge in airway management, preoperative risk assessment and hemodynamic implications of the different oncological surgery techniques. Even knowledge of anesthetic techniques (total intravenous vs. inhalational) seems to reduce complications related to pulmonary pro-inflammatory phenomena and improve flap viability. Reducing the incidence of infections, fistulas, nutritional management and tracheostomes is part of the active role of postoperative care units directed by anesthesiologists in conjunction with other specialties, which in part reduces hospital morbidity and mortality, improving the prognosis of our patients. In conclusion, multidisciplinary management in this type of patient is essential to guarantee better postoperative results.