1. 1. Libby, H.L. (1971) Introduction to Electromagnetic Non-destructive Test Methods. New-York, etc. Wiley-Interscience.
2. 2. McMaster R.C., VcIntire P. (1986) Nondestructive Testing Handbook. Vol. 4: Electromagnetic Testing (Eddy current, Flux leakage and Microwave Nondestructive Testing). Second edition. USA, American Society for NDT.
3. 3. Dorofeev, A.L., Kazamanov, Yu.G. (1980) Electromagnetic flaw detection. Moscow, Mashinostroenie [in Russian].
4. 4. Sobolev, V.S., Shkarlet, Yu.M. (1967) Put-on and screen sensors. Novosibirsk, Nauka [in Russian].
5. 5. Dyakin, V.V., Sandovsky, V.A. (1981) Theory and calculation of put-on eddy-current transducers. Moscow, Nauka [in Russian].