Jia Kiuk Chong ,Hui Shan Lee ,Ping Xin Liew
The efficiency of the Malaysian insurance industry (II) has drawn increasing international attention as the country has a dual-insurance system that comprises conventional insurance (CI) and takaful (Islamic) insurance (TI). Therefore, the objectives of the present study are to evaluate the efficiency of the Malaysian II as well as compare the efficiencies of CI and TI in Malaysia. Secondary data, spanning 2013-2021, from 46 CI and 28 TI providers was used. The results of the data envelopment analysis (DEA) indicates that scale efficiency (SE) has a significantly larger impact on the impact the total efficiency (TE) of the Malaysian II than pure technical efficiency (PTE). Therefore, larger insurance companies, with higher SE, are better suited to deal with large-scale risks, while smaller insurance companies may need to diversify or reinsure to limit their risk. Meanwhile, the results of the parametric and non-parametric tests indicate that there is a significant difference between the efficiencies of the Malaysian CI and TI industries. More specifically, that the Shariah-compliant nature of the Malaysian TI industry is a more conservative investment approach. As such, it decreases the risk of losses and financial instability. The purpose of comparing the efficiencies of the Malaysian TI and CI industries was to stimulate innovation and competition in the Malaysian II.