The Role of Magical Thinking, Sensitivity, and Thought Content in Thought-Action Fusion


Fite Robert E.,Magee Joshua C.1


1. Miami University.


Introduction: Cognitive models of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) posit that maladaptive beliefs about intrusive thinking contribute to the disorder's development and maintenance. However, the findings concerning one notable belief, thought-action fusion (TAF), have been inconsistent. Current conceptualizations of TAF may conflate constructs such as magical thinking, sensitivity, and thought content that are already the subject of informative, interdisciplinary literatures. Methods: To tease apart these constructs, adult participants (N = 249) reported their trait levels of sensitivity and magical thinking, and were randomly assigned to engage with an intrusive thought in one of three content areas. We hypothesized that morality-related content would lead to heightened maladaptive outcomes, but only in combination with higher trait levels of sensitivity and magical thinking. Results: Results indicated that morality-related content, along with sensitivity to morality, played more of a prominent role in maladaptive outcomes, with magical thinking being implicated in general outcomes like worry. Discussion: These findings suggest that the link between TAF and maladaptive outcomes may depend on which TAF elements are present for an individual. Sensitivity, in tandem with other TAF elements (e.g., morality-related content, magical thinking) is predictive of divergent outcomes (e.g., worrying, urges to neutralize) and thus may be an important target of future interventions aimed at reducing TAF, worrying, and/or OC symptoms.


Guilford Publications


Clinical Psychology,Social Psychology







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