1. W.E.B. Du Bois Dept. of Afro-American Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003,
In recent years, considerable scholarly attention has been paid to the Black Communist Claudia Jones as a progenitor of Black radical feminist notions of intersectionality. In Britain, Jones has also been hailed as an important part of the Black British political and cultural radical tradition. Less studied is how Jones brought a U. S. Black Left institution-building sensibility to the UK, particularly as embodied in the West Indian Gazette and Afro-Asian-Caribbean News (WIG) newspaper, helping to lay the foundation for the growth of Black Power and Black Arts in the UK. In turn, Jones and WIG brought to Black radicals in the U. S. a renewed sense of Black internationalism inspired by Africa's crossroads and its diaspora in London and other major British cities.
Sociology and Political Science