COVID-19: When It Leaves Us Voiceless and Powerless


Yee Farah Tan Li1,Rajagopalan Arvind1,Liang David Teo Choon2


1. Ministry of Health Holdings, Singapore

2. Changi General Hospital, Singapore


Conversion disorder—called functional neurological symptom disorder in the DSM-5—has roots that trace back to antiquity. The term conversion, originating from psychoanalysis, signifies the appearance of physical symptoms as an effort to resolve or convey unconscious and distressing intrapsychic conflicts— “converting” them from manifesting in the mind to manifesting in the body. Despite efforts made in elucidating the neurobiological etiologies of functional neurological symptom disorder, a psychodynamic lens remains indispensable in understanding the patient. This article presents two patients who developed functional neurological symptom disorder, one after a COVID-19 vaccination and one in the context of long COVID. A discussion follows on the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and systemic etiological factors that predispose, precipitate, and perpetuate COVID-related functional neurological symptom disorder. We elaborate on psychodynamic psychological processes and conflicts that may unfold between patients with COVID-related functional neurological symptom disorder and their health care providers. We also share suggestions on how a consultation-liaison psychiatry team may offer support to the primary treating team to facilitate a therapeutic space within which patients with COVID-related functional neurological symptom disorder may recover.


Guilford Publications







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