Impaired Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Adipose Tissue in Acquired Obesity


Heinonen Sini1ORCID,Buzkova Jana2,Muniandy Maheswary1,Kaksonen Risto13,Ollikainen Miina4ORCID,Ismail Khadeeja4,Hakkarainen Antti5,Lundbom Jesse56,Lundbom Nina5,Vuolteenaho Katriina7,Moilanen Eeva7,Kaprio Jaakko8910,Rissanen Aila111,Suomalainen Anu212,Pietiläinen Kirsi H.1813


1. Obesity Research Unit, Research Programs Unit, Diabetes and Obesity, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

2. Research Programs Unit, Molecular Neurology, Biomedicum-Helsinki, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

3. Siluetti Hospital, Helsinki, Finland

4. Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

5. Helsinki Medical Imaging Center, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

6. Institute for Clinical Diabetology, German Diabetes Center, Leibniz Center for Diabetes Research, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany

7. The Immunopharmacology Research Group, University of Tampere School of Medicine and Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland

8. Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

9. Finnish Twin Cohort Study, Department of Public Health, Hjelt Institute, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

10. National Institute for Health and Welfare, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Helsinki, Finland

11. Department of Psychiatry, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland

12. Department of Neurology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland

13. Abdominal Center, Endocrinology, Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland


Low mitochondrial number and activity have been suggested as underlying factors in obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. However, the stage at which mitochondrial dysfunction manifests in adipose tissue after the onset of obesity remains unknown. Here we examined subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) samples from healthy monozygotic twin pairs, 22.8–36.2 years of age, who were discordant (ΔBMI >3 kg/m2, mean length of discordance 6.3 ± 0.3 years, n = 26) and concordant (ΔBMI <3 kg/m2, n = 14) for body weight, and assessed their detailed mitochondrial metabolic characteristics: mitochondrial-related transcriptomes with dysregulated pathways, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) amount, mtDNA-encoded transcripts, and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) protein levels. We report global expressional downregulation of mitochondrial oxidative pathways with concomitant downregulation of mtDNA amount, mtDNA-dependent translation system, and protein levels of the OXPHOS machinery in the obese compared with the lean co-twins. Pathway analysis indicated downshifting of fatty acid oxidation, ketone body production and breakdown, and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, which inversely correlated with adiposity, insulin resistance, and inflammatory cytokines. Our results suggest that mitochondrial biogenesis, oxidative metabolic pathways, and OXPHOS proteins in SAT are downregulated in acquired obesity, and are associated with metabolic disturbances already at the preclinical stage.


Academy of Finland

Orion Foundation

Finnish Foundation for Cardiovascular Research

European Research Council

University of Helsinki

Sigrid Jusélius Foundation

Novo Nordisk Foundation

Helsinki University Hospital Research Funds

Jalmari and Rauha Ahokas Foundation

Diabetes Research Foundation


American Diabetes Association


Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,Internal Medicine







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