Ross-Smith Viola,Robinson Robert,Banks Alex,Frayling Tim,Gibson Chris,Clark Jacquie
Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus numbers in England have fluctuated in recent decades. Both breeding and wintering populations rose sharply in the latter half of the twentieth century, mostly due to increases at a small number of colonies and changes in migratory behaviour. However, there was a decline in breeding birds between 2000 and 2013 (largely because of losses at the same key colonies) and this species is on the Birds of Conservation Concern Amber List. Although protected at various sites in the breeding season, the Lesser Black-backed Gull can be taken under three General Licences issued under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, allowing population control in certain circumstances without specific permission or reporting. There are no sites where the Lesser Black-backed Gull is a protected feature outside the breeding season, although numbers surpass the relevant thresholds at certain roosts. This review paper synthesises available information on the Lesser Black-backed Gull in England to help policy makers resolve this apparent legislative contra- diction and formulate a clearer conservation policy to guide future practice.
Reference93 articles.
1. Baker, R. R. 1980. The significance of the Lesser Black-backed Gull to models of bird migration. Bird Study 27: 41-50.
2. Balmer, D. E., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B. J., Swann, R. L., Downie, I. S. & Fuller, R. J. 2013. Bird Atlas 2007-11: the breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. BTO Books, Thetford.
3. Banks, A. N., Burton, N. H. K., Calladine, J. R. & Austin, G. E. 2009. Indexing winter gull numbers in Great Britain using data from the 1953 to 2004 Winter Gull Roost Surveys. Bird Study 56: 103-109.
4. Barnes, J. A. G. 1952. The status of the Lesser Black-backed Gull. British Birds 45: 3-17.
5. Barnes, J. A. G. 1953. The migrations of the Lesser Black-backed Gull. British Birds 46: 238-251.
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