The creative economy is one of the world's most dynamic economic development drivers. Countries that can effectively develop and utilize the creative economy will reap substantial economic benefits. The creative economy potential in Indonesia continues to grow, including in Lebak Regency, Banten Province. Lebak Regency possesses excellent natural, cultural, and human resources. Palm sugar is one of the most well-known Lebak Regency SME products. This study aims to identify the framework for the contribution of added value to the creative economy in the regional economy as a tool for monitoring and evaluating government policies. This is a qualitative study employing an exploratory, descriptive approach. Primary data was collected through in-depth interviews with informants chosen using purposive sampling. The findings of this study indicate that the production of nira, which is processed into creative products, has the potential to increase the added value contribution of the creative economy by IDR 126 billion in 2022. Therefore, the author recommends that the government of Lebak Regency develop a program that focuses on increasing the added value of processed nira products into other creative products.
Center for Strategic Studies in Business and Finance SSBFNET
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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