Almost 2 years, the world has been facing the COVID-19 attack, there is no exception including Indonesia, which incidentally is a developing country. During the pandemic, various industries in all sectors experienced a decline in sales so that they need an injection of funds from investment where with the presence of investors, industry movements, include of small, medium, and large industries could increase and have an influence on national economic growth and development. As a country that has many islands, of course investment as a very important economic sector. Many factors influence developments in an area, some of which are inflation, interest rates, and the economy of each region. To see the development of investment in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021Q3), this study uses panel data to be more specific and detail. The result of the research is that interest rates affect investment developments, while inflation and economic growth have no effect on investment developments in Indonesia.
Center for Strategic Studies in Business and Finance SSBFNET
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