1987年毕业于清华大学化学系,1996年获日本名古屋大学应用化学专业工学博士学位。目前是清华大学材料学院教授,院长助理(外事),担任新能源材料研究所副所长,新型陶瓷与精细工艺国家重点实验室副主任。主要致力于纳米材料的结构设计与制备、纳米材料的表面与界面化学、复合纳米材料的光化学与电化学,以及基于这些先进纳米材料科学的新能源利用,如染料敏化太阳能电池材料与器件、量子点敏化太阳能电池材料、聚合物太阳能电池、光/电解水电极材料、复合电解质等。 联系方式 电话:010-62772672 邮箱:hong-lin@tsinghua.edu.cn 教育背景 1981年-1987年,清华大学化学系,物理化学专业,理学学士 1987年-1990年,中国科学院电子学研究所,电子物理及仪器专业,工学硕士 1990年-1992年,中国科学院电子学研究所,助理研究员 1992年-1996年,日本名古屋大学工学部应用化学系,应用化学专业,工学博士 工作履历 1996年-1998年,日本京都大学化学研究所,助理教授 1998年-2000年,日本关西新技术研究所,新素材中心无机材料研究部,研究员 2000年-2004年,日本产业技术综合研究所关西中心,博士后 2004年-至今,清华大学材料学院副教授、教授,新型陶瓷与精细工艺国家重点实验室副主任 学术兼职 中国硅酸盐学会理事; 中国硅酸盐学会特陶分会理事; 中国能源学会常务理事; 中国可再生能源学会光化学专业委员会委员 研究领域 1) 纳米材料的结构设计与制备 2) 纳米材料的表面与界面化学 3) 复合纳米材料的光化学、电化学与光电化学 4) 染料敏化太阳能电池相关材料与器件 5) 量子点敏化太阳能电池材料 6) 聚合物太阳能电池材料 7) 光/电解水电极材料 8) 复合电解质 9) 石墨烯的低温合成 研究概况 染料敏化太阳能电池(Dye-sensitized Solar Cells, DSC)用光阳极材料 ________________________________________ 光阳极用低维氧化钛/氧化锌薄膜 染料敏化太阳能电池(Dye-sensitized Solar Cells, DSC)不仅要求光阳极具有大比表面积、而且要求光生电子在光阳极中快速传递。常用的光阳极材料为氧化钛/氧化锌。低维氧化钛和氧化锌纳米阵列薄膜即能保证其大比表面积,而且可以减小电阻,提高其电子传递速率。 ZnO纳米带阵列薄膜 TiO2纳米棒阵列薄膜 DSC用电解质材料 ________________________________________ 准固态电解质的研究 DSC因为其高效率、低成本而倍受关注。目前常用的电解质为有机溶剂液态电解质,存在着溶剂易挥发、耐久性差等问题。离子液体是一种导电性好、不挥发、无毒性、常温下呈现液态的化合物。离子液体与无机纳米材料复合后,可以得到准固态电解质。准固态电池可以提高其长期稳定性。 NiO纳米片 NiO纳米棒 层状 a-ZrP 太阳能电池器件 ________________________________________ 大面积DSC/柔性DSC的制备和应用 大面积DSC电池的制备工艺、组装、性能及耐久性研究,是太阳能电池产业化的基础。另外,柔性DSC具有可折叠、便携、轻便、成本低等特点,可用于手提电子产品的直接充电,也可以作到服装、帽子上为手提电子产品充电,还可以用做无通电地区的帐篷上的发电设备。 DSC 驱动风扇 透明 DSC 柔性 DSC 其它 ________________________________________ 水电解阳极材料 电解水制氢是获取氢气能源的一个主要途径。本课题组致力于降低析氧过电位方面的探索,从而降低电解水制氢能耗。目前主要集中于六方环片状Ni-Co尖晶石等催化材料的制备研究。 核-环结构 纳米NiCo2O4 NiCo2O4膜电极 石墨烯的低温制备 石墨烯是二维单碳原子厚的具有极好的电导率、热导率、机械强度的新型碳材料,可以广泛应用于电子器件、催化、传感器、超级电容器和薄膜太阳能电池领域。低温催化还原法能够简单而大规模的制备石墨烯。 140℃还原得到的石墨烯 奖励与荣誉 2005/07/01 中国清华大学2005良师益友 2006/08/16 中国清华大学2006教学成果二等奖,排名第二 2006/08/16 中国清华大学2006优秀班主任二等奖 2006/10/28 日本陶瓷学会东海支部AYCeCT杰出青年陶瓷工作者奖 2006/12/31 中国清华大学材料系2006先进工作者 2007/05/25 日本陶瓷学会日中科学技术交流奖励奖 2007/12/31 中国清华大学材料系2007先进工作者 2009/03/31 日本化学会亚洲国际研讨会优秀讲演奖 2010/12/31 中国清华大学材料系2010先进工作者 2011/01/11 海南省科技进步一等奖,排名第四 2011/12/31 中国清华大学材料系2011先进工作者 学术成果 论文: 1. F Hao, P Dong, J Zhang, YC Zhang, Phillip E.Loya, Robert H. Hauge, JB Li, J Lou, H Lin, High Electrocatalytic Activity of Vertically Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes towards Sulfide Redox Shuttles, Scientific Reports, 2012, DOI:10.1038/serp00368. (Nature系列杂志) 2. XC Zhao, H Lin, JF Li, X Li, CY Liu, JB Li, Low-cost preparation of a conductive and catalytic grapheme film from chemical reduction with AlI3, CARBON, 2012, 50,3497 –3502. 3. XC Zhao, H Lin, X Li, JB Li, The influence of nitric acid on electron transport and recombination for non-sintering Tio2 photoanodes, Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 67, 62–66. 4. F Hao, H Lin, YZ Liu, N Wang, WD Li, JB Li. Facile Construction of High-Electrocatalytic Bilayer Counter Electrode for Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2011,3(10):3916-3920. 5. F Hao; H Lin; C Zhou; YZ Liu, JB Li, Bifunctional single-crystalline rutile nanorod decorated heterostructural photoanodes for efficient dye-sensitized solar cells, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 201113(35), 15918-15924. 6. Y. Z. Liu, H. Lin, J. T. Dy, K. Tamaki, J. Nakazaki, D. Nakayama, S. Uchida, T. Kuboa, H.Segawa, N-fused carbazole-zinc porphyrin-free-base porphyrin triad for efficient near-IR dye-sensitized solar cells, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 4010–4012. 7. J. F. Li, H. Lin, Z. L. Yang, J. B. Li, A method for the catalytic reduction of graphene oxide at temperatures below 150℃, Carbon, 2011, 49, 3024-4040. 8. F. Hao, H. Lin, Y. Z. Liu, J. B. Li, An alternative alkylpyridinium iodide with high electroactivitity for efficient dye-sensitized solar cells, Electrochem. Commun. 2011, 13, 550-553. 9. F. Hao, H. Lin, Y. Z. Liu, J. B. Li, Anionic structure-dependent photoelectrochemical responses of dye-sensitized solar cells based on a binary ionic liquid electrolyte, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2011, 13, 6416-6422. 10. F. Hao, H. Lin, J. Zhang, J.B. Li, Balance between the physical diffusion and the exchange reaction on binary ionic liquid electrolyte for dye-sensitized solar cells, J. Power Sources 196 (2011) 1645-1650. 11. H. Lin, F. Hao, C.F. Lin, N. Wang, J.B. Li, Highly catalytic active nanostructured Pt electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells prepared by low temperature electrodeposition, Funct. Mater. Lett. 2011, in press. 12. X. C. Zhao, H. Lin, X. Li, J. B. Li, The application of freestanding titanatenanofiber paper for scattering layers in dye-sensitized solar cells, Mater Lett, 2011, 65(8) 1157-1160. 13. H. Lin, Y. Z. Liu, C. J. Liu, X. Li, H. P. Shen, J. Zhang, T. L. Ma, J. B. Li, Effects of hydroxyl group numbers of coadsorbents on photovoltaic performances of dye-sensitized solar cells, J. Electroanaly. Chem. 653 (2011) 81. 14. W. Wang, H. Lin, X.Li, A. Yamada, M. Konagai, “Experimental and simulation analysis of the dye sensitized solar cell / Cu(In,Ga)Se2 tandem structure”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 94, 1753-1758 (2010). 15. F. Hao, H. Lin, J. Zhang, D. T. Zhuang, Y. Z. Liu, J. B. Li, “Influence of iodine concentration on the photoelectrochemical performance of dye-sensitized solar cell containing non-volatile electrolyte”, ElectrochimicaActa, 55(24), 7225–7229 (2010). 16. HepingShen, Hong Lin, Yizhu Liu, Xin Li, Jing Zhang and Jianbao Li, “A Novel Diphenylphosphinic Acid Coadsorbent for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell”,Electrochim. Acta, 56 (2011) 2092–2097. 17. Li Junfeng,Lin hong, Li Jianbao. ”Factors that influence the flexural strength of SiC-based porous ceramics used for hot gas filter support”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2011(31), 825-831. 18. Yizhu Liu, Hong Lin,Xin Li, Jianbao Li, Hui Nan, ”Photoinduced electron transfer in panchromatic zinc phthalocyanine-azobenzene dyad”, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 13(1), 187-190 (2010/1). 19. H. Lin, Y. Liu, C. Liu, X. Li, H. Shen, J. Zhang, J. Li, Effects of Hydroxyl Group Numbers of Coadsorbents on Photovoltaic Performances of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells", Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,(2010), doi: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2010.12.025. 20. Junfeng Li, Hong Lin ,Jianbao Li, Jiang Wu, “Influence of lanthanum additive on phase transition, microstructure and lithiumionic conductivity of beta-eucryptite”, Materials Letters, 64(3) 298–300 (2010). 21. Jiang Wu, Hong Lin,Jianbao Li, Xiaobo Zhan, Junfeng Li, “Synthesis and Characterization of ElectrospunMulliteNanofibers”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 12(1-2), 71-74 (2010/2). 22. FengHao, Hong Lin, Xin Li, Jing Zhang, Yizhu Liu, and Jianbao Li, “Enhancement of Photocurrent of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell by Composite Liquid Electrolyte Including NiONanosheets”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(11), 7390-7393 (2010). 23. 林红,“低成本染料敏化太阳能电池的机遇和挑战”, 新材料产业 Advanced Materials Industry, 199(6), 40-44 (2010). 24. Yizhu Liu, Hong Lin,Jianbao Li, Kai He, ”Phenanthroline-appended azaphthalocyanine with peripheral chelating site and panchromatic absorptivity”, Materials Science and Engineering B, 161(1-3), 8-11 (2009/4/15). 25. Bai Cui, Hong Lin, Yi-zhu Liu, Jian-bao Li, Peng Sun, Xiao-chong Zhao, and Chuan-jie Liu, “Photophysical and Photocatalytic Properties of Core-Ring Structured NiCo2O4 Nanoplatelets”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 14083–14087 (2009). 26. Chunfu Lin; Hong Lin; DongtianZhuang; Jianbao Li, “Highly-ordered perpendicularly oriented ZnOnanobelt array films: synthesis, characterization, and application”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9 (3), 1976 (2009). 27. Junfeng Li, Hong Lin, Jianbao Li, Jiang Wu, “Effects of different potassium salts on the formation of mullite as the only crystal phase in kaolinite”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 29, 2929–2936 (2009). 28. Hong Lin, Xin Li, Yizhu Liu and Jianbao Li, “Progresses in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, Materials Science and Engineering B, 161 (1-3), 2-7 (2009). 29. Xin Li, Hong Lin, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Michael Graetzel and Jianbao Li, “Interface Modification of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells with Pivalic Acid to Enhance the Open-circuit Voltage”, Chemistry Letters 38 (4), 322-323 (2009). 30. Mingkui Wang, Xin Li, Hong Lin, Peter Pechy, Shaik M. Zakeeruddina and Michael Grätzel, Passivation of nanocrystalline TiO2 junctions by surface adsorbed phosphinateamphiphiles enhances the photovoltaic performance of dye sensitized solar cells, Dalton Trans., 10015–10020 (2009). 31. Hong LIN ,Wen-li WANG, Yi-zhu LIU, Xin LI, Jian-bao LI,” New trends for solar cell development and recent progress of dye sensitized solar cells”, Front. Mater. Sci. China, 3(4), 345–352 (2009). 32. 林红,刘传杰,李鑫,申何萍,李建保, 染料敏化太阳能电池中电子复合的抑制, 世界科技研究与发展 World SCI-TECH R&D, 31(6), 995-999 (2009). 33. C.F. Lin, H. Lin, J.B. Li, X. Li, “ElectrodepositionZnONanobelt Array Films and Application to Dye-sensitized Solar Cells”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 462(1-2), 175-180, 2008. 34. Xin Li, Hong Lin, Jianbao Li, Xiaxi Li, Bai Cui and Luozheng Zhang, “A Numerical Simulation and Impedance Study of the Electron Transport and Recombination in Binder-free TiO2 Film for Flexible Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 13744–13753 (2008). 35. B. Cui, H. Lin, J.B. Li, J. Yang, J. Tao, X. Li, “Core-ring structured NiCo2O4 nanosheet: synthesis, characterization, and electrocatalytic application”, Advanced Functional Materials, 18, 1–8 (2008). 36. Jiang Wu, Hong Lin, Jianbao Li, Liang Long, Junfeng Li and GangfengGuo, “Structural Studies of WO3-Catalysed Mullite”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 10(6), 1-5 (2008). 37. X. Li, H. Lin, J.B. Li, N. Wang, C.F. Lin, L.Z. Zhang, “Chemical Sintering of Graded TiO2 Film at Low-temperature for Flexible Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry, 195, 247–253 (2008). 38. W.L. Wang, H. Lin, J.B. Li, N. Wang, “Formation of Titanianano arrays by hydrothermal reaction and their application in photovoltaic cells”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91 (2), 628-631 (2008). 39. Chi, B, H. Lin, J.B. Li, “Cations distribution of CuxCo3-xO4 and its electrocatalytic activities for oxygen evolution reaction International”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33(18): 4763-4768 (2008). 40. G.F. Guo, J.B. Li, X.Y. Kong, H. Lin, L. Liang, M.S. He, L. Yang, J. Wu and B. Cui, “Phase evolution in heat-treated Si3N4 with additions of Yb2O3”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91 (2): 611-614 (2008). 41. 林红,刘忆翥,李鑫,李建保,李龙土,“太阳能光伏技术发展的新概念”,世界科技研究与发展 World SCI-TECH R&D,30(3), 253-255 (2008). 42. N. Wang, H. Lin, J.B. Li, X.Z. Yang and L.Z. Zhang, “Photoluminescence of TiO2: Eunanotubes prepared by a two-step approach”, Journal of luminescence, 122–123, 889–891 (2007). 43. N. Wang, H. Lin, J.B. Li, L.Z. Zhang, X. Li, J. Wu, C.F. Lin, “Strong orange luminescence from a novel hexagonal ZnOnanosheet film grown on aluminum substrate by a simple wet-chemical approach”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 90 (2), 635–637 (2007). 44. L.Z. Zhang, H. Lin, N. Wang and J.B. Li, “The Evolution of Morphology and Crystal Form of TitanateNanotubes under Calcination and its Mechanism”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 431 (1-2), 230-235 (2007). 45. G.F. Guo, J.B. Li, X.Y. Kong, H. Lin, L. Liang, M.S. He, L. Yang, J. Wu, B. Cui, “Direct Measurement of Residual Stresses and their Effects on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Heat-Treated Si3N4 Ceramics II: With CeO2 as a Single Additive”, ActaMaterialia, 55 (2007) 3245–3251. 46. L. Liang; J.B. Li, H. Lin, G.F. Guo, M.S. He, “Self-catalyzed growth of nonstoichiometric single-crystal mullitenanocolumns”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 9 (3), 201-203 (2007). 47. L. Liang, J.B. Li, H. Lin, G.F. Guo, M.S. He. "Self-catalyzed growth of nonstoichiometricmullitenanodiskettes", Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 448(1-2): 154-157(2007). 48. 林红, 庄东填, 李鑫, 李下蹊, 李建保, “染料敏化太阳能电池用固态电解质研究进展”, 科技导报Science and Technology Review, 25(22), 63-67 (2007). 49. N. Wang, H. Lin, J.B. Li, X.Z. Yang, B. Chi and C.F. Lin, “Effect of Annealing Temperature on Phase Transition and Optical Property of TitanateNanotubes Prepared by Ion Exchange Approach”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 424, 311-314 (2006). 50. N. Wang, H. Lin, X. Li, L.Z. Zhang, C.F. Lin, J. Wu and J.B. Li , “Improved Quasi-solid Dye-sensitized Solar Cells by Composite Ionic Liquid Electrolyte Including Layered a-Zirconium Phosphate,” Applied Physics Letter, 89(19): 194104-194106, (2006). 51. N. Wang, H. Lin, J.B. Li, et al, “Crystalline Transition from H2Ti3O7 Nanotubes to AnataseNanocrystallines Under Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Conditions”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 89 (11): 3564-3566 (2006). 52. J. Yang, J.B. Li, H. Lin, X.Z. Yang, X.G. Tong and G.F. Guo, “A Novel Preparation Method for NiCo2O4 Electrode Stacked with Hexagonal Manosheets for Water Electrolysis”, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 36, 945-950 (2006). 53. G.F. Guo, J.B. Li, X.Z. Yang, H. Lin, L. Liang, M.S. He, X.G. Tong, J. Yang, “Direct Measurement of Residual Stresses and their Effects on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Heat-Treated Si3N4 Ceramics”, ActaMaterialia, 54 (2006) 2311–2316. 54. X.G. Tong, J.B. Li, H. Lin, X.Z. Yang, G.F. Guo, “Mechanical Properties and Oxidation Behavior of Self-reinforced Si3N4 Doped with Yb and Lu”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 89 (5), 1730–1732 (2006). 55. N. Wang, H. Lin, X. Li, C.F. Lin, L.Z. Zhang, J. Wu, J.B. Li, “Enhanced Exchange Current Density and Diffusion Coefficient of Iodide-based Liquid Electrolyte by Layered a-Zirconium Phosphate,” Electrochemistry communications, 8, 946–950 (2006) . 56. B. Chi, H. Lin, J.B. Li, N. Wang and J. Yang, “Comparison of three preparation methods of NiCo2O4 electrodes”, International J. of Hydrogen Energy, 31,1210-1214 (2006). 57. N. Wang, H. Lin, J.B. Li, X.Z. Yang and B. Chi, “Electrophoretic Deposition and Optical Property of TitaniaNanotubes Films”, Thin Solid Films, 496 (2), 649-652 (2006). 58. 林红, 李鑫, 王宁, 李建保, “染料敏化太阳能电池用电解质的研究现状”, 世界科技研究与发展 World SCI-TECH R&D, 28(4), 41-45 (2006). 59. B. Chi, J.B. Li, X.Z. Yang, H. Lin and N. Wang, “Electrophoretic Deposition of ZnCo2O4 Spinel and its Electrocatalytic Properties for Oxygen Evolution Reaction”, Electrochimica Acta, 50, 2059–2064 (2005). 60. 林红, 吴疆, 石京, 李建保, 杨晓战,“TiO2光催化应用及其发展前景”, 新材料产业 Advanced Materials Industry, 142 (9), 32-35 (2005). 61. H. Lin, T. Jin and T. Yazawa, “Preparation of a Porous ITO Electrode”, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry, 164, 173–177 (2004). 62. 林红, 李建保, “日本染料敏化太阳能电池最新研究动向”, 世界科技研究与发展 World SCI-TECH R&D, 26(5), 5-9 (2004). 63. 林红, 王宁, 梁宏, 李建保, “染料敏化太阳能电池研究进展及产业化前景”, 新材料产业 Advanced Materials Industry, 129(8), 45-48 (2004). 著书: 1. Hong Lin, editing, A New Sight towards Dye-sensitized Solar Cells: Material and Theoretical, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, (2010.7) ISSN 1013-9826. 2. Hong Lin, Yizhu Liu, Xin Li and Jianbao Li, “Nano-channels for solar energy conversion: oriented one-dimensional nano-structure facilitating charge transfer”, in Energy in China, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, (2010), in press. 3. 林红,李建保,“太阳能利用中的材料科学” in 实验室科研探究,清华大学出版社,北京(2009.11), ISBN: 978-7-302-21-76-4 4. H. Lin, B. Cui and J.B. Li, “Electrocatalytic Application of Core-Ring Structured NiCo2O4 Nanoplatelet”, in Handbook of Energy, Hydrogen Energy and Hydropower Research, Nova Science Publishers Inc. New York (2009.10) ISBN: 978-1-60741-715-6 5. 李建保,李敬锋,林红,等编译,新能源材料及其应用技术 New Energy Materials and Application Technology,清华大学出版社,ISBN: 7-302-12129-X,共525页,(2005). 6. 李建保,周益春,林红,杨晓战编著,新材料科学及其实用技术 New Materials Science and Application Technology,清华大学出版社,共540页,(2004). 7. G. Zhao, H. Kozuka, H. Lin and T. Yoko, “Solar Energy Conversion”, in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons Inc. Publishers, New York, (1999), pp638-649. 8. K. Koumoto and H. Lin, “Growth of Inorganic Crystals on the Surfaces of Two-Dimensionally Assembled Organic Molecules”, in Ceramic Microstructures, Plenum Press, New York, (1998), pp.437-441. 专利: 1. 林红,赵晓冲,李建保,“一种纸张型染料敏化太阳能电池光阳极及其制备方法”,公开号:CN102082032A,专利号:201010293840.3,授权公告日:2012.3.16. 2. 林红,林春富,王宁,李建保, 杨晓战,“用于染料敏化太阳能电池的介孔金属对电极的制备方法”,专利号:ZL2005 1 0105677.2,授权公告日:2008.5.7 3. 林红, 林春富, 李建保, 庄东填, “一种用于染料敏化太阳能电池的ZnO电极及其制备方法”,专利号:ZL200710177245.1,授权公告日:2010.9.8 4. 林红, 王宁, 李建保, 李鑫, 林春富, “一种复合碘基凝胶电解质及其制备方法”, (2006),专利号:ZL200610089382.5,授权公告日:2009.7.29 5. 林红,王宁,林春富,李建保, 杨晓战,“一种氧化钛纳米材料薄膜的制备方法”, (2006),专利号:ZL 2005 1 0086520.X,授权公告日:2008.9.10
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8CHEM LETT------------论文:8篇
9SCI TECHNOL ADV MAT------------论文:7篇
11ADV FUNCT MATER------------论文:7篇
12PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS------------论文:7篇
13J INORG MATER------------论文:6篇
14J NANOSCI NANOTECHNO------------论文:6篇
16SOL RRL------------论文:5篇
17J POWER SOURCES------------论文:5篇
19J ALLOY COMPD------------论文:5篇
20J AM CERAM SOC------------论文:5篇
21J MATER CHEM C------------论文:4篇
22MATER LETT------------论文:4篇
24CHEM ENG J------------论文:4篇
25ADV ENG MATER------------论文:4篇
26ELECTROCHEM COMMUN------------论文:3篇
27ACTA PHYS-CHIM SIN------------论文:3篇
28ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S------------论文:3篇
29APPL PHYS A-MATER------------论文:2篇
30J PHOTOCH PHOTOBIO A------------论文:2篇
31KEY ENG MAT------------论文:2篇
32ACTA MATER------------论文:2篇
33ADV MATER RES-SWITZ------------论文:2篇
34OPT EXPRESS------------论文:2篇
35PROG ORG COAT------------论文:2篇
36INT J THERMOPHYS------------论文:2篇
37SCI REP-UK------------论文:2篇
38J EUR CERAM SOC------------论文:2篇
39FRONT MATER SCI------------论文:2篇
40J RARE EARTH------------论文:2篇
41J CHEM PHYS------------论文:2篇
42MATER SCI FORUM------------论文:2篇
43ADV SCI------------论文:2篇
44CHINESE SCI BULL------------论文:2篇
45SCI CHINA PHYS MECH------------论文:2篇
46THIN SOLID FILMS------------论文:2篇
47J ELECTRON MATER------------论文:2篇
48INT J HYDROGEN ENERG------------论文:2篇
50MATER RES EXPRESS------------论文:2篇
51MATER SCI ENG B-ADV------------论文:2篇
52ENERG SCI ENG TECH------------论文:2篇
53J RES NATL INST STAN------------论文:1篇
54J ELECTROANAL CHEM------------论文:1篇
55J ELECTROCHEM SOC------------论文:1篇
56SOL ENERGY------------论文:1篇
57PHILOS T R SOC A------------论文:1篇
58CRYST RES TECHNOL------------论文:1篇
60FUNCT MATER LETT------------论文:1篇
61J LUMIN------------论文:1篇
62NANO ENERGY------------论文:1篇
63ACS SUSTAIN CHEM ENG------------论文:1篇
64ENERG ENVIRON SCI------------论文:1篇
65ENERG CONVERS MANAGE------------论文:1篇
66NPG ASIA MATER------------论文:1篇
67J MATER CHEM------------论文:1篇
68MEAS SCI TECHNOL------------论文:1篇
69J ENERGY CHEM------------论文:1篇
70MAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT------------论文:1篇
71J WUHAN UNIV TECHNOL------------论文:1篇
72INORG CHEM COMMUN------------论文:1篇
74PHYS REV LETT------------论文:1篇
75APPL SURF SCI------------论文:1篇
76ORG ELECTRON------------论文:1篇
77CHEM MATER------------论文:1篇
78JPN J APPL PHYS------------论文:1篇
79PURE APPL CHEM------------论文:1篇
80MATER HORIZ------------论文:1篇
81APPL PHYS LETT------------论文:1篇
82DALTON T------------论文:1篇
83ACTA CHIM SINICA------------论文:1篇
84J QUANT SPECTROSC RA------------论文:1篇
85SOL ENERG MAT SOL C------------论文:1篇
86SUSTAIN ENERG FUELS------------论文:1篇
87PHYS STATUS SOLIDI C------------论文:1篇
88FRONT OPTOELECTRON------------论文:1篇
89J APPL ELECTROCHEM------------论文:1篇
91J ADV CERAM------------论文:1篇
92CHEM COMMUN------------论文:1篇
93MATER DESIGN------------论文:1篇
94MATER RES BULL------------论文:1篇
95J MATER SCI TECHNOL------------论文:1篇
96OPT MATER------------论文:1篇
97INT J MATER PROD TEC------------论文:1篇
98SMALL METHODS------------论文:1篇
99DIAM RELAT MATER------------论文:1篇
100MATER TODAY ENERGY------------论文:1篇
序号 名称   论文数量
1ADVANCED MATERIALS(材料科学)------------论文:1篇
2Energy & Environmental Science(材料科学)------------论文:1篇
3CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL(工程技术)------------论文:4篇
5Journal of Energy Chemistry(化学)------------论文:1篇







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