1 The Oral Microbiota May Have Influence on Oral Cancer
来源:FRONT CELL INFECT MI( P 2235-2988 E ) 发表时间: 2020/01
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2 Engineering DNA-Nanozyme Interfaces for Rapid Detection of Dental Bacteria
来源:ACS APPL MATER INTER( P 1944-8244 E 1944-8252 ) 发表时间: 2019/08
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3 A Magnesium-Incorporated Nanoporous Titanium Coating for Rapid Osseointegration
来源:INT J NANOMED( P 1178-2013 E ) 发表时间: 2020/01
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4 Propranolol inhibits angiogenesis via down-regulating the expression of vascular endothelial growth ..
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5 Propranolol therapy for infantile hemangioma: our experience
来源:DRUG DES DEV THER( P 1177-8881 E ) 发表时间: 2017/01
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6 Role of the microbiome in oral cancer occurrence, progression and therapy
来源:MICROB PATHOGENESIS( P 0882-4010 E 1096-1208 ) 发表时间: 2022/08
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7 Metagenomic Analysis Reveals a Changing Microbiome Associated With the Depth of Invasion of Oral Squ..
来源:FRONT MICROBIOL( P E 1664-302X ) 发表时间: 2022/02
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8 The significant clinical correlation of the intratumor oral microbiome in oral squamous cell carcino..
来源:FRONT PHYSIOL( P E 1664-042X ) 发表时间: 2023/01
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9 Halitosis: etiology, prevention, and the role of microbiota
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10 Enhanced "Electronic Tongue" for Dental Bacterial Discrimination and Elimination Based on ..
来源:ACS APPL MATER INTER( P 1944-8244 E 1944-8252 ) 发表时间: 2024/02
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:876.736174