

Yue, Jing 南方医科大学被知名学者引用:41人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Nipon,Chattipakorn 泰国 Chiang Mai University Myeloid differentiation factor 2 inhibitors exert protective effects on lipopolysaccharides-treated ..

2. Siriporn C,Chattipakorn 泰国 Chiang Mai University Myeloid differentiation factor 2 inhibitors exert protective effects on lipopolysaccharides-treated ..

3. Jochen,Winter 德国 University of Bonn Effects of histone acetyltransferase (HAT) and histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors on proliferativ..

4. Edward K. L,Chan 美国 University of Florida Oral Spirochete Treponema denticola Intraoral Infection Reveals Unique miR-133a, miR-486, miR..

5. Masoud,Soleimani 伊朗 Tarbiat Modares University The Potential of miR-21 in Stem Cell Differentiation and its Application in Tissue Engineering and R..

6. Anthony J,Smith 英国 University of BIRMINGHAM Characterisation of miRNA Expression in Dental Pulp Cells during Epigenetically-Driven Reparative Pr..

7. Omidi, Yadollah 美国 Nova Southeastern University Chitosan-based bioactive hydrogels for osteogenic differentiation of dental pulp stem cells

8. 蒋欣泉 中国 上海交通大学医学院 主任医师 The Crucial Role of Wntless in Osteogenesis and Odontogenesis

9. 张玉峰 中国 武汉大学 教授 Liquid platelet-rich fibrin promotes the regenerative potential of human periodontal ligament cells

10. Tsiridis, Eleftherios 希腊 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Comparing bone tissue engineering efficacy of HDPSCs, HBMSCs on 3D biomimetic ABM-P-15 scaffolds in ..

11. 余孝其 中国 四川大学 Dental follicle stem cells rescue the regenerative capacity of inflamed rat dental pulp through a pa..

12. Christopher A,Lowry 美国 University of Colorado Periodontal Pathogens and Neuropsychiatric Health

13. Yogesh,Dwivedi 美国 University of ALABAMA Periodontal Pathogens and Neuropsychiatric Health

14. 李金明 中国 北京医院 Multifaceted Roles of Asporin in Cancer: Current Understanding

15. Richard J,Miron 瑞士 University of Bern Effect of Liquid Platelet-rich Fibrin and Platelet-rich Plasma on the Regenerative Potential of Dent..

16. 张玉峰 中国 武汉大学 教授 Effect of Liquid Platelet-rich Fibrin and Platelet-rich Plasma on the Regenerative Potential of Dent..

17. Hockin H.K,Xu 美国 University of Maryland Effects of 3-dimensional Bioprinting Alginate/Gelatin Hydrogel Scaffold Extract on Proliferation and..

18. Ioana,Berindan-Neagoe 罗马尼亚 IULIU HATIEGANU University Medicine & Pharmacy The Role of Angiogenesis and Pro-Angiogenic Exosomes in Regenerative Dentistry

19. Yong,Li 美国 Baylor College of Medicine MicroRNA-21 down-regulates inflammation and inhibits periodontitis

20. Schweikl, Helmut 德国 University of REGENSBURG Interactive effects of LPS and dentine matrix proteins on human dental pulp stem cells








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