

Jin, Mei-fang 苏州大学被知名学者引用:107人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 高绍荣 中国 同济大学 教授 2023中国科学院院士 Circadian Clock Genes REV-ERBs Inhibits Granulosa Cells Apoptosis by Regulating Mitochondrial Biogen..

2. 周宏灏 中国 中南大学 中国工程院院士 Antioxidants Targeting Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress: Promising Neuroprotectants for Epilepsy

3. 郭子建 中国 南京大学 中国科学院院士 Novel mitochondrion-targeting copper(II) complex induces HK2 malfunction and inhibits glycolysis via..

4. 唐佩福 中国 解放军总医院 2023中国工程院院士 Cell cycle and complement inhibitors may be specific for treatment of spinal cord injury in aged and..

5. Daly, Mark J. 美国 Massachusetts General Hospital 2017美国医学院院士 Rare Variant, Gene-Based Association Study of Hereditary Melanoma Using Whole-Exome Sequencing

6. Chung, Wendy K. 美国 Columbia University 2020美国医学院院士 De novo variants in EBF3 are associated with hypotonia, developmental delay, intellectual disability..

7. 江涛 中国 首都医科大学 2023中国工程院院士 ZIP4 is a novel molecular marker for glioma

8. R. J. Reiter 美国 University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Exploring the association between melatonin and nicotine dependence[Review]

9. Demetrios A,Spandidos 希腊 University of Crete Exploring the association between melatonin and nicotine dependence[Review]

10. Uta C,Hoppe 奥地利 Paracelsus Private Medical University An overview of circulating and urinary biomarkers capable of predicting the transition of acute kidn..

11. 陶谦 中国 香港中文大学 Synergistic activities of Panobinostat and doxorubicin in soft tissue sarcomas

12. Ottavio,Arancio 美国 Columbia University Adult-onset deactivation of autophagy leads to loss of synapse homeostasis and cognitive impairment,..

13. Robertson, Nicola J. 英国 Institute Womens Health Melatonin reduces brain injury following inflammation-amplified hypoxia-ischemia in a translational ..

14. Seung Joon,Baek 美国 University of Tennessee Neuroprotective mechanisms of luteolin in glutamate-induced oxidative stress and autophagy-mediated ..

15. 林云锋 中国 四川大学 Effects of tension on mitochondrial autophagy and osteogenic differentiation of periodontal ligament..

16. Dehpour, Ahmad Reza 伊朗 University of Tehran Ivermectin Exerts Anticonvulsant Effects Against Status Epilepticus Induced by Lithium-Pilocarpine i..

17. Eckersall, Peter David 英国 University of Glasgow Quantitative serum proteome analysis using tandem mass tags in dogs with epilepsy

18. 袁景利 中国 大连理工大学 研究员 FRET Luminescent Probe for the Ratiometric Imaging of Peroxynitrite in Rat Brain Models of Epilepsy-..

19. Douglas V,Faller 美国 Boston University Epilepsy: Mitochondrial connections to the 'Sacred' disease

20. Vavvas, Demetrios G. 美国 Harvard University Epilepsy: Mitochondrial connections to the 'Sacred' disease








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