

Gilles,Clodic University of Paris 06被知名学者引用:33人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Meir,Lahav 以色列 WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Crystalline Architectures as Templates of Relevance to the Origins of Homochirality

2. Meir,Lahav 以色列 WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Dual Role of Hydrophobic Racemic Thioesters of alpha-Amino Acids in the Generation of Isotactic Pept..

3. Meir,Lahav 以色列 WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Racemic beta-Sheets as Templates of Relevance to the Origin of Homochirality of Peptides: Lessons fr..

4. Meir,Lahav 以色列 WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Oligopeptides and copeptides of homochiral sequence, via beta-sheets, from mixtures of racemic alpha..

5. Meir,Lahav 以色列 WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Racemic beta-Sheets as Templates for the Generation of Homochiral (Isotactic) Peptides from Aqueous ..

6. Donna G. Blackmond 美国 Scripps Research Institute 2013美国工程院院士 On the Origin of Single Chirality of Amino Acids and Sugars in Biogenesis

7. Mark M. Green 美国 POLYTECH Institute NEW YORK 1980美国科学院院士 Homochirality in Life: Two Equal Runners, One Tripped

8. Thorsten,Hugel 德国 University of Freiburg Spontaneous and Selective Peptide Elongation in Water Driven by Aminoacyl Phosphate Esters and Phase..

9. Binder, Wolfgang H 德国 Martin-Universität Halle-Wittenberg A Living Topochemical Ring-Opening Polymerization of Achiral Amino Acid N-Carboxy-Anhydrides in Sing..

10. Sijbren,Otto 荷兰 University of Groningen Enantioselective Self-Replicators

11. Laurent,Bouteiller 法国 Pierre and Marie Curie University Possible chemical and physical scenarios towards biological homochirality

12. Jeanne,Crassous 法国 University of RENNES 1 Possible chemical and physical scenarios towards biological homochirality

13. Bommarius, Andreas Sebastian 美国 Georgia Institute of Technology Reactive crystallization: a review

14. Ribo, Josep M. 西班牙 University of BARCELONA Spontaneous Deracemizations

15. Roland,Riek 瑞士 ETH Zurich Peptide Amyloids in the Origin of Life

16. Lynn, David G. 美国 Emory University Expanding the informational chemistries of life: peptide/RNA networks

17. Ribo, Josep M. 西班牙 University of BARCELONA Abiotic Emergence of Biological Homochirality

18. Albert,Moyano 西班牙 University of BARCELONA Abiotic Emergence of Biological Homochirality

19. Roland,Riek 瑞士 ETH Zurich Amyloid Aggregates Arise from Amino Acid Condensations under Prebiotic Conditions

20. Ribo, Josep M. 西班牙 University of BARCELONA Absolute Asymmetric Synthesis in Enantioselective Autocatalytic Reaction Networks: Theoretical Games..








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