1. Li, Zheng-Wen 新加坡 National University Singapore Structure-specific nucleases in genome dynamics and strategies for targeting cancers
2. 沈炳辉 美国 Beckman Research Institute Structure-specific nucleases in genome dynamics and strategies for targeting cancers
3. Manzer H,Siddiqui 沙特阿拉伯 KING SAUD University Insights on the comparative affinity of ribonucleic acids with plant-based beta carboline alkaloid, ..
4. Jiri,Sponer 捷克共和国 CZECH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Comprehensive Assessment of Force-Field Performance in Molecular Dynamics Simulations of DNA/RNA Hyb..
5. Michal,Otyepka 捷克共和国 Palacky University Comprehensive Assessment of Force-Field Performance in Molecular Dynamics Simulations of DNA/RNA Hyb..
6. Müller, Rolf 德国 Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) The Peptide Antibiotic Corramycin Adopts a β-Hairpin-like Structure and Is Inactivated by the Kinas..
7. Jo,Vandesompele 比利时 University of Ghent Nucleic acid degradation as barrier to gene delivery: a guide to understand and overcome nuclease ac..
8. Kevin,Braeckmans 比利时 University of Ghent Nucleic acid degradation as barrier to gene delivery: a guide to understand and overcome nuclease ac..
9. Stefaan C,De Smedt 比利时 University of Ghent Nucleic acid degradation as barrier to gene delivery: a guide to understand and overcome nuclease ac..
10. Andrew J,Roger 加拿大 Dalhousie University PML and PML-like exonucleases restrict retrotransposons in jawed vertebrates
11. 任兵 美国 University of California San Diego Cell-autonomous inflammation of BRCA1-deficient ovarian cancers drives both tumor-intrinsic i..
12. Iain A,McNeish 英国 Imperial College London Cell-autonomous inflammation of BRCA1-deficient ovarian cancers drives both tumor-intrinsic i..
13. Elizabeth M,Swisher 美国 University of Washington Cell-autonomous inflammation of BRCA1-deficient ovarian cancers drives both tumor-intrinsic i..
14. Alexandre,Harari 瑞士 University of LAUSANNE Cell-autonomous inflammation of BRCA1-deficient ovarian cancers drives both tumor-intrinsic i..
15. Giovanni,Ciriello 瑞士 University of LAUSANNE Cell-autonomous inflammation of BRCA1-deficient ovarian cancers drives both tumor-intrinsic i..
16. Fabio,Martinon 瑞士 University of LAUSANNE Cell-autonomous inflammation of BRCA1-deficient ovarian cancers drives both tumor-intrinsic i..
17. George,Coukos 瑞士 University of LAUSANNE Cell-autonomous inflammation of BRCA1-deficient ovarian cancers drives both tumor-intrinsic i..