

Su, Xiaobo 广州医科大学被知名学者引用:37人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 金宁一 中国 军事医学科学院 中国工程院院士 Human adenovirus type 7 virus-like particle vaccine induces Dendritic cell maturation through the TL..

2. Herbert W,Virgin 美国 University of Washington 2016美国科学院院士 Rapid Cloning of Novel Rhesus Adenoviral Vaccine Vectors

3. Barouch, Dan H. 美国 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 2020美国医学院院士 Rapid Cloning of Novel Rhesus Adenoviral Vaccine Vectors

4. 夏宁邵 中国 厦门大学 2023中国工程院院士 A novel combined vaccine based on monochimeric VLP co-displaying multiple conserved epitopes against..

5. 夏宁邵 中国 厦门大学 2023中国工程院院士 A Broadly Cross-protective Vaccine Presenting the Neighboring Epitopes within the VP1 GH Loop and VP..

6. James,Chodosh 美国 Harvard University Isolation of novel simian adenoviruses from macaques for development of a vector for human gene ther..

7. Baron, Frederic 比利时 University of Liege Virus-Specific T-Cell Therapy for Viral Infections of the Central Nervous System: A Review

8. Pierre,Maquet 比利时 University of Liege Virus-Specific T-Cell Therapy for Viral Infections of the Central Nervous System: A Review

9. 吴建国 中国 暨南大学 Generation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Lung Organoids for Modeling Infection and Replicatio..

10. Cesaro, Simone 意大利 Azienda Ospedale University Integrata Adenovirus Infection in Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: A Challenge Still Open for Sur..

11. 吴建国 中国 暨南大学 Desmoglein 2 (DSG2) Is A Receptor of Human Adenovirus Type 55 Causing Adult Severe Community-Acquire..

12. 吴建国 中国 暨南大学 Construction and Characterization of a Novel Recombinant Attenuated and Replication-Deficient Candid..

13. 吴建国 中国 暨南大学 Development and Application of a Fast Method to Acquire the Accurate Whole-Genome Sequences of Human..

14. 王佑春 中国 中国医学科学院 A practical method for evaluating the in vivo efficacy of EVA-71 vaccine using a hSCARB2 knoc..

15. 许文波 中国 中国疾病预防控制中心 Genetic variability of human adenovirus type 7 circulating in mainland China

16. Kremer, Eric J. 法国 University of Montpellier A review of 65 years of human adenovirus seroprevalence

17. Poh, Chit Laa 马来西亚 Sunway University Advances in Antigenic Peptide-Based Vaccine and Neutralizing Antibodies against Viruses Causing Hand..

18. Baltasar,Mayo 西班牙 Institute Products LACTEOS ASTURIAS Cloning and expression of enterovirus 71 capsid protein 1 in a probiotic Bifidobacterium pseudocaten..

19. David T,Curiel 美国 University of Washington Capsid-Incorporation Strategy To Display Antigens for an Alternative Adenoviral Vector Vaccine Appro..

20. James,Chodosh 美国 Harvard University Rapid Construction of a Replication-Competent Infectious Clone of Human Adenovirus Type 14 by Gibson..








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