

He, Xin 中国科学院被知名学者引用:137人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Paul,Greengard 美国 Rockefeller University 2000诺贝尔生理学或医学奖;1978美国科学院院士 DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation characterize the identity of D1 and D2 striatal projection ne..

2. Sheffield, Val C. 美国 The University of Iowa 2005美国医学院院士 Disruption of Dopamine Receptor 1 Localization to Primary Cilia Impairs Signaling in Striatal Neuron..

3. Davey Smith, George 英国 University of Bristol 2008美国医学院院士 Genome-wide association study in almost 195,000 individuals identifies 50 previously unidentified ge..

4. John Speakman 中国 中国科学院 2020美国科学院院士 An Evolutionary Perspective on Sedentary Behavior

5. Arthur L. Beaudet 美国 Luna Genetics, Inc. 2011美国科学院院士;1995美国医学院院士 Genome-wide screening of mouse knockouts reveals novel genes required for normal integumentary and o..

6. Glauco Tocchini-Valentini 意大利 National Research Council of Italy 2009美国科学院院士 Genome-wide screening of mouse knockouts reveals novel genes required for normal integumentary and o..

7. Nina G. Jablonski 美国 The Pennsylvania State University 2021美国科学院院士 Shades of complexity: New perspectives on the evolution and genetic architecture of human skin

8. Gahl, William A. 美国 National Human Genome Research Institute 2018美国医学院院士 A novel iris transillumination grading scale allowing flexible assessment with quantitative image an..

9. 孟安明 中国 清华大学 教授、中国科学院院士 中国科学院院士 Impairment of Cargo Transportation Caused by gbf1 Mutation Disrupts Vascular Integrity and Causes He..

10. 宋红军 美国 University of Pennsylvania 2020美国医学院院士 Brain-specific Crmp2 deletion leads to neuronal development deficits and behavioural impairments in ..

11. Ming, Guo-li 美国 University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 2019美国医学院院士 Brain-specific Crmp2 deletion leads to neuronal development deficits and behavioural impairments in ..

12. John Speakman 中国 中国科学院 2020美国科学院院士 Mice that are resistant to diet-induced weight loss have greater food anticipatory activity and alte..

13. VijayRaghavan, Krishnaswamy 印度 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 2014美国科学院院士 Gene Dosage in the Dysbindin Schizophrenia Susceptibility Network Differentially Affect Synaptic Fun..

14. Irene,Gottlob 英国 University of Leicester Our current understanding of clinical characteristics and the genetics of patients with albinism

15. 李琪 中国 中国海洋大学 教授 Comparative transcriptome elucidates key genes and pathways related to golden phenotype of Crasso..

16. Bharat B,Biswal 美国 New Jersey Institute of Technology Distinct neurofunctional alterations during motivational and hedonic processing of natural and monet..

17. 惠汝太 中国 中国医学科学院 SLC35D3 promotes white adipose tissue browning to ameliorate obesity by NOTCH signaling

18. Raul R,Gainetdinov 俄罗斯 Saint Petersburg State University Trace Amine-Associated Receptors and Monoamine-Mediated Regulation of Insulin Secretion in Pancreati..

19. 李琪 中国 中国海洋大学 教授 Effects of Dietary Cystine and Tyrosine Supplementation on Melanin Synthesis in the Pacific Oyster[<..

20. 冯继锋 中国 南京医科大学 Solute carrier family 35 member D3 promotes colorectal cancer progression through AMPK signaling pat..








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