

Eva,Pereiro ALBA Synchrotron Light Source被知名学者引用:489人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Leslie Leiserowitz 未知 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Cryo-tomography and 3D Electron Diffraction Reveal the Polar Habit and Chiral Structure of the Malar..

2. Leslie Leiserowitz 未知 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Diffraction contrast in cryo-scanning transmission electron tomography reveals the boundary of hemoz..

3. Leslie Leiserowitz 未知 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Polymorphism, Structure, and Nucleation of Cholesterol?H2O at Aqueous Interfaces and in P..

4. Leslie Leiserowitz 未知 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Crystalline Cholesterol: The Material and Its Assembly Lines

5. Ralf,Bartenschlager 德国 University of Heidelberg 2016拉斯克奖 Using soft X-ray tomography for rapid whole-cell quantitative imaging of SARS-CoV-2-infected cells

6. Ralf,Bartenschlager 德国 University of Heidelberg 2016拉斯克奖 Compact Cell Imaging Device (CoCID) provides insights into the cellular origins of viral infections

7. Leslie Leiserowitz 未知 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Malaria Pigment Crystals: The Achilles′ Heel of the Malaria Parasite

8. Leslie Leiserowitz 未知 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Mode of action of quinoline antimalarial drugs in red blood cells infected by Plasmodium falciparum ..

9. Leslie Leiserowitz 未知 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Two polymorphic cholesterol monohydrate crystal structures form in macrophage culture models of athe..

10. Leslie Leiserowitz 未知 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Development of Correlative Cryo-soft X-ray Tomography and Stochastic Reconstruction Microscopy. A St..

11. Ralf,Bartenschlager 德国 University of Heidelberg 2016拉斯克奖 Viral Infection at High Magnification: 3D Electron Microscopy Methods to Analyze the Architecture of..

12. Leslie Leiserowitz 未知 2021沃尔夫化学奖 Digestive Vacuole Membrane in Plasmodium falciparum-Infected Erythrocytes: Relevance to Templated Nu..

13. 樊春海 中国 上海交通大学 中国科学院院士 Multidisciplinary and multiscale nanoscience research roadmap based on large scientific facilities

14. 杨学明 中国 中国科学院 中国科学院院士 Multidisciplinary and multiscale nanoscience research roadmap based on large scientific facilities

15. 陈春英 中国 中国科学院 2023中国科学院院士 Multidisciplinary and multiscale nanoscience research roadmap based on large scientific facilities

16. 陈春英 中国 中国科学院 2023中国科学院院士 In situ label-free X-ray imaging for visualizing the localization of nanomedicines and subcellular a..

17. 孙学良 加拿大 University of Western Ontario 2021年增选工程院外籍院士 Superoxide-based Na-O2 batteries: Background, current status and future prospects

18. James J,De Yoreo 美国 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland 2022美国工程院院士 Oxide- and Silicate-Water Interfaces and Their Roles in Technology and the Environment

19. Patricia M. Dove 美国 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 2012美国科学院院士 Oxide- and Silicate-Water Interfaces and Their Roles in Technology and the Environment

20. Lia Addadi 以色列 Weizmann Institute of Science 2017美国科学院院士 On the Helical Crystals of Cholesterol Monohydrate








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