

Haeyoon,Chung MIT被知名学者引用:27人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 许平 中国 上海交通大学 Inhibitory effect of truncated isoforms on GPCR dimerization predicted by combinatorial computationa..

2. 张曙光 美国 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Inhibitory effect of truncated isoforms on GPCR dimerization predicted by combinatorial computationa..

3. 许平 中国 上海交通大学 QTY code designed antibodies for aggregation prevention: A structural bioinformatic and computationa..

4. 张曙光 美国 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT QTY code designed antibodies for aggregation prevention: A structural bioinformatic and computationa..

5. 许平 中国 上海交通大学 Dynamic Dimerization of Chemokine Receptors and Potential Inhibitory Role of Their Truncated Isoform..

6. 张曙光 美国 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Dynamic Dimerization of Chemokine Receptors and Potential Inhibitory Role of Their Truncated Isoform..

7. 王伯初 中国 重庆大学 教授 博导 Rational design of water-soluble, homotypic keratins self-assembly with enhanced bioactivities

8. 许平 中国 上海交通大学 CrMP-Sol database: classification, bioinformatic analyses and comparison of cancer-related membrane ..

9. 张曙光 美国 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT CrMP-Sol database: classification, bioinformatic analyses and comparison of cancer-related membrane ..

10. 张曙光 美国 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Structural bioinformatics studies of bacterial outer membrane beta-barrel transporters and their Alp..

11. 许正宏 中国 江南大学 Improving the soluble expression of difficult-to-express proteins in prokaryotic expression system v..

12. Kong, Jing 美国 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Scalable biomimetic sensing system with membrane receptor dual-monolayer probe and graphene transist..

13. Tomas,Palacios 美国 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Scalable biomimetic sensing system with membrane receptor dual-monolayer probe and graphene transist..

14. Uwe B,Sleytr 奥地利 University of Nature Resources & Life Science Scalable biomimetic sensing system with membrane receptor dual-monolayer probe and graphene transist..

15. 王伯初 中国 重庆大学 教授 博导 Reverse-QTY code design of active human serum albumin self-assembled amphiphilic nanoparticles for e..

16. 张曙光 美国 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Reverse-QTY code design of active human serum albumin self-assembled amphiphilic nanoparticles for e..

17. Ehud,Gazit 以色列 Tel Aviv University Peptide Self-Assembled Nanocarriers for Cancer Drug Delivery

18. 张曙光 美国 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Structural informatic study of determined and AlphaFold2 predicted molecular structures of 13 human ..

19. 张曙光 美国 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Protein Design: From the Aspect of Water Solubility and Stability

20. 王伯初 中国 重庆大学 教授 博导 Rational Design of High-Performance Keratin-Based Hemostatic Agents








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