

Huang, Xince 温州医科大学被知名学者引用:66人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 赵玉沛 中国 中国医学科学院 中国科学院院士 Extracellular vesicles miR-31-5p promotes pancreatic cancer chemoresistance via regulating LATS2-Hip..

2. 樊代明 中国 空军军医大学 一级教授、主任医师 中国工程院院士;2013美国医学院院士 Interaction of lncRNA MIR100HG with hnRNPA2B1 facilitates m6A-dependent stabilization of ..

3. 程根宏 美国 University of California Los Angeles 2019美国微生物科学院院士 TLR3 Ligand PolyI:C Prevents Acute Pancreatitis Through the Interferon-beta/Interferon-alpha/beta Re..

4. 林子俺 中国 福州大学 教授 博导 Layer-by-layer fabrication of covalent organic frameworks on stainless steel needles as solid-phase ..

5. 蔡宗苇 中国 香港浸会大学 Layer-by-layer fabrication of covalent organic frameworks on stainless steel needles as solid-phase ..

6. Bishayee, Anupam 美国 LAKE ERIE College OSTEOPATH Medicine Phytochemicals regulate cancer metabolism through modulation of the AMPK/PGC-1α signaling pathway

7. 徐宏喜 中国 上海中医药大学 教授 Brusatol alleviates pancreatic carcinogenesis via targeting NLRP3 in transgenic Krastm4Tyj Trp53tm1B..

8. 段金廒 中国 南京中医药大学 The Anticancer Potential of Quassinoids-A Mini-Review

9. 李亦学 中国 中国科学院 TMO-Net: an explainable pretrained multi-omics model for multi-task learning in oncology

10. Geoffrey A,Cordell 美国 University of Florida Molecular networking-based mass spectral identification of Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. metabolites an..

11. Kenoki,Ohuchida 日本 Kyushu University Involvement of angiogenesis in cancer-associated acinar-to-ductal metaplasia lesion of pancreatic ca..

12. Yoshinao,Oda 日本 Kyushu University Involvement of angiogenesis in cancer-associated acinar-to-ductal metaplasia lesion of pancreatic ca..

13. Rangappa, Kanchugarakoppal Subbegowda 印度 University of MYSORE Mechanism of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cancer and its regulation by natural compounds

14. Gautam,Sethi 新加坡 National University of Singapore Mechanism of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cancer and its regulation by natural compounds

15. Tapas K,Kundu 印度 Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) Lysine Acetyltransferases (KATs) in Disguise: Diseases Implications

16. Jae Youl,Cho 韩国 Sungkyunkwan University Immunopharmacological Activities of Luteolin in Chronic Diseases

17. Dai, Wei 美国 NYU Langone Health MicroRNA-Gene Interactions Impacted by Toxic Metal(oid)s during EMT and Carcinogenesis

18. 华子春 中国 南京大学 Emerging roles of hnRNP A2B1 in cancer and inflammation

19. Wen-Hsiung,Chan 中国 中原基督教大学 Role of caspase-3-cleaved/activated PAK2 in brusatol-triggered apoptosis of human lung cancer A549 c..

20. Saeed,Samarghandian 伊朗 Neyshabur University Medicine Science STAT3-EMT axis in tumors: Modulation of cancer metastasis, stemness and therapy response








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