Characterization of Drought Evolution using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) in Three Agro-Climatic Zones of Settat Province, Morocco


M.A. El Mzouri,K. Samir,M. Chlaida,E. El Mzouri


Morocco has been experiencing significant climatic disturbances in recent decades. The climate change issue arises mainly in terms of water deficits induced by the decrease in rainfall received and the increase in temperature. The objective of this study is to characterize the drought temporal and spatial distribution and severity within local agro-climatic zones of Settat Province. The study area extends over a distance of 85 km from North to South and concerns three agro-climatic zones. The Standardized Precipitation Index was used for drought analysis and characterization in the three zones for 107 years of rainfall data. Results show that numbers of normal average years are declining, dry years are increasing and humid years are declining in three zones. However, the SPI changes over time are not similar for the three zones, that is, the rainfall deficit is taking place more in the “Favorable Rain-fed” zone and to a low degree in the “Intermediate Rain-fed” but not in the ‘Less Favorable” zone.


African - British Journals

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