1. (1) T. Murayama, et al., ″A Method to Improve the Solubility and Combustion Characteristics of Alcohol-Diesel Fuel Blends″, SAE Paper No. 821113.
2. (2) S.C. Sorenson, et al., ″Performance and Emissions of a 0.273 Liter Direct Injection Diesel Engine Fueled with Neat Dimethyl Ether″, SAE Paper No. 950064.
3. (3) Y. Akasaka, et al., ″Evaluation of Oxygenated Fuel by Direct Injection and Direct Fuel Injection Impingement Diffusion Combustion Diesel Engines″, SAE Paper No. 901566.
4. (4) Y. Akasaka, et al., ″Effects of Oxygenated Fuel and Cetane Improver on Exhaust Emissions from Heavy-Duty DI Diesel Engine″, SAE Paper No. 942023.
5. (5) K. Tsurutani, et al., ″The Effects of Fuel Properties and Oxygenates on Diesel Exhaust Emissions″, SAE Paper No. 952349.