1. (1) Oates, G.C., Aerothermodynamics of Gas Turbine and Rocket Propulsion, revised ed., AIAA Educational Series, edited by Przemieniecki, J.S., (1988), AIAA, Wash., D.C.
2. (2) Mahulikar, S.P., Philosophical Approach to the Basic Understanding of the Mechanics of Jet Propulsion, SAE Paper No. 920960 (1992), pp. 1-7.
3. (3) Hill, P. and Peterson, C., Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion, 2nd ed., (1992), Addison Wesley, New York.
4. (4) Kerrebrock, J.L., Aircraft Engines and Gas Turbines, 2nd ed., (1992), The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
5. (5) Royal Institute of Naval Architecture, Waterjet Propulsion, (ISBN 0903055481), (1999), Amazon. co. uk.