1. 2010 ASME SECTION VIII-DIVISION 3 ARTICLE KD-10, Special requirements for vessels in hydrogen service (2010).
2. ANSI/CSA, CHMC 1-2014, Test method for evaluating material compatibility in compressed hydrogen applications-metals. Mississauga, ON: Canadian Standards Association (2014).
3. ASTM E1681-03(Reapproved 2008)ε1, Standard test method for determining threshold stress intensity factor for environment-assisted cracking of metallic materials (2008).
4. ASTM E1820-11ε2, Standard test method for measurement of fracture toughness (2011).
5. ASTM E399-12ε1, Standard test method for linear-elastic plane-strain fracture toughness KIc of metallic materials (2012).