In this paper the authors study the existence of positive radial solutions to the Kirchhoff type problem involving the \(p\)-Laplacian \[-\Big(a+b\int_{\Omega_e}|\nabla u|^p dx\Big)\Delta_p u=\lambda f\left(|x|,u\right),\ x\in \Omega_e,\quad u=0\ \text{on} \ \partial\Omega_e,\] where \(\lambda \gt 0\) is a parameter, \(\Omega_e = \lbrace x\in\mathbb{R}^N : |x|\gt r_0\rbrace\), \(r_0\gt 0\), \(N \gt p \gt 1\), \(\Delta_p\) is the \(p\)-Laplacian operator, and \(f\in C(\left[ r_0, +\infty\right)\times\left[0,+\infty\right),\mathbb{R})\) is a non-decreasing function with respect to its second variable. By using the Mountain Pass Theorem, they prove the existence of positive radial solutions for small values of \(\lambda\).
AGHU University of Science and Technology Press
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