A clinical case of disseminated BCG infection with a fatal outcome


Kharit S. M.1,Konstantinova Yu. E.2,Karev V. E.2,Karabak I. A.2,Konev A. I.2,Tikhomirova K. K.2,Lozovskaja M. E.3


1. Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Disease; Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

2. Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Disease

3. Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


Complications after the introduction of the tuberculosis vaccine develop extremely rarely. They become accidentally vaccinated infants with undiagnosed severe immunodeficiency. The article considers a clinical case of the course of disseminated BCG infection with multiple organ damage in congenital immunodeficiency in a 9-month-old boy. The disease manifested itself acutely, the child’s condition worsened within a week, and its outcome was the death of the baby. Primary immunodeficiency was confirmed by the results of a pathoanatomic examination. The discussion provides a classification of complications after the introduction of BCG vaccine, the algorithm of the doctor’s actions in case of a suspected complication after vaccination, and also describes the main signs of immunodeficiency.



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