Nowadays VLSI circuits have various applications such as mobile devices, IOT devices, PCs, automobiles, military and space systems, etc. Analog parts, such as operati¬o¬n¬a¬l amplifiers, rectifiers, analog-to-digital converters play major roles inside the modern inte¬gr¬a¬t¬ed circuits (IC). In VLSI designs external voltage source values do not have high precision and currently schematic designs are implemented considering the ±10% variation of the supply voltage values. However, such accuracy levels cause problems in high speed receivers where variation of voltages even with a few millivolts can result in major inaccuracies such as the offset voltage in the receiving path. Such problems do exist in high-speed data receivers where the swing of the received data can be less than 100 mV. In this paper an offset cancelation technique for a high speed receiver path is presented which can lower the offset voltage up to ±5 mV range covering the 4.5 sigma possible technology variation range.
National Polytechnic University of Armenia
Materials Chemistry,Polymers and Plastics,Surfaces, Coatings and Films,General Chemistry,Animal Science and Zoology,Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty,General Mathematics,Statistics and Probability,Psychiatry and Mental health,Applied Psychology,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,Education,Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education,Plant Science,Drug Discovery