1. Chiu, C., and Kalsi, M. S., 1986, “Plant Availability Improvement by Eliminating Disc Vibrations in Swing Check Valves,” ASME/EEE Power Generation Conference Portland, OR, 86-JPGC-NE-6, October 19–23.
2. Electrical Producers Research Institute, Application Guidelines for Check Valves in Nuclear Power Plants, EPRI NP-5479, Final Report, Jan. 1988.
3. Horst, T., and Kalsi, M. S., 1988, “Effects of Upstream Elbows on Swing Check Valve Performance,” Proceedings of Joint ASME-ANS Nuclear Power Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC, April 17–20, pp. 15–21.
4. Kalsi, M. S., and Horst, T., 1988, “Swing Check Valve Disc Stability Under Turbulence,” Proceedings of Joint ASME-ANS Nuclear Power Conference, Myrtle Beach, S.C., April 17–20, pp. 23–28.
5. Kalsi, M. S., Horst, C. L., Wang, J. K., and Sharma, V., 1990, “Prediction of Check Valve Performance And Degradation in Nuclear Power Plant Systems—Wear and Impact Tests,” Report NUREG/CR-5583 prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Aug.