Local Swirl Chamber Heat Transfer and Flow Structure at Different Reynolds Numbers


Hedlund C. R.1,Ligrani P. M.1


1. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT


Local flow behavior and heat transfer results are presented from two swirl chambers, which model passages used to cool the leading edges of turbine blades in gas turbine engines. Flow results are obtained in an isothermal swirl chamber. Surface Nusselt number distributions are measured in a second swirl chamber (with a constant wall beat flux boundary condition) using infrared thermography, in conjunction with thermocouples, energy balances, and in situ calibration procedures. In both cases, Reynolds numbers Re based on inlet duct characteristics range from 6000 to about 20000. Bulk helical flow is produced in each chamber by two inlets which ore tangent to the swirl chamber circumference. Important changes to local and globally-averaged surface Nusselt numbers, instantaneous flow structure from flow visualizations, and distributions of static pressure, total pressure, and circumferential velocity are observed throughout the swirl chambers as the Reynolds number increases. Of particular importance are increases of local surface Nusselt numbers (as well as ones globally-averaged over the entire swirl chamber surface) with increasing Reynolds number. These are tiad to increased advection, as well as important changes to vortex characteristics near the concave surfaces of the swirl chambers. Higher Re also give larger axial components of velocity, and increased turning of the flow from each inlet, which gives Görtler vnrtex pair trajectories greater skewness as they are advected downstream of each inlet.


American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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