Teaching Partial Differential Equations With Computer-Based Problem Solving


Carneiro A. F.1,Teixeira S. F. C. F.1


1. University of Minho


A new approach for solving partial differential equations in the field of heat transfer and fluid mechanics, accompanied by specific software has been developed. Its purpose was to enhance learning effectiveness of Numerical Methods in the post graduate course of Mechanical Engineering and is based upon the use of purpose built software. The packages learned in this course include some commercial codes as, EXCEL, MATLAB and FLUENT. Two other tools, developed at the University of Minho to support the classes of numerical methods, were also used: CoNum and a graphics application PDE v.1. The teaching method presented in this paper has been applied at post graduate classes and the feedback received from the students was very positive. The softwares and graphics interface were used as learning tools and proved to be very versatile and effective in explaining the resolution of partial differential equations.



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