This paper presents a damage mechanics-based methodology for the progressive damage and virtual qualification of advanced electronic packages such as BGAs, DCAs, CSPs, and Flip-chips. The key technique is to implement the material nonlinearity into commercially available software tools. A unified viscoplastic constitutive framework with the damage evolution and failure criteria has been successfully implemented into the ABAQUS® code to model time-rate-temperature dependent material properties. The framework has been successfully applied to solder alloys, polymer films, and underfill encapsulants. The mathematical structure and numerical algorithm development of the unified constitutive framework as well as the key implementation techniques for commercial FEA codes have been summarized in this paper. Both crack initiation and propagation of a solder joint with damage evolution under mechanical cyclic loading have been demonstrated. Virtual simulations of TSOP component failure under mechanical cyclic loading and BGA package under thermal cyclic loading have also been presented.
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