Influence of Interconnect-Channel Shape on Heat and Mass Transfer in Anode-Supported Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells


Magar Yogesh N.1,Manglik Raj M.1,Jog Milind A.1


1. University of Cincinnati


The debate on inculcating effective design engineering learning – its fundamental conceptualization, application of theoretical constructs to model physical devices/systems, and development of tools for solving unstructured problems – and associated critical thinking has primarily focused on curricula issues. Little effort has been made to understand the cognitive underpinning of students that lends to success in this direction. This paper presents the findings of a transverse study to assess learning styles of undergraduate mechanical engineering students and their perceptions about design engineering. Survey results from a batch of sophomores and seniors are analyzed to ascertain: (i) aspects of learning styles that are conducive to design comprehension, and (ii) perceptions about design engineering that aid or impede such learning.



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