Measurements of Losses and Reynolds Stresses in the Secondary Flow Downstream of a Low-Speed Linear Turbine Cascade


MacIsaac G. D.1,Sjolander S. A.1,Praisner T. J.2


1. Carleton University, Ottawa, ON Canada

2. Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford, CT


Experimental measurements of the mean and turbulent flow field were preformed downstream of a low-speed linear turbine cascade. The influence of turbulence on the production of secondary losses is examined. Steady pressure measurements were collected using a seven-hole pressure probe and the turbulent flow quantities were measured using a rotatable x-type hotwire probe. Each probe was traversed downstream of the cascade along planes positioned at three axial locations: 100%, 120% and 140% of the axial chord (Cx) downstream of the leading edge. The seven-hole pressure probe was used to determine the local total and static pressure as well as the three mean velocity components. The rotatable x-type hotwire probe, in addition to the mean velocity components, provided the local Reynolds stresses and the turbulent kinetic energy. The axial development of the secondary losses is examined in relation to the rate at which mean kinetic energy is transferred to turbulent kinetic energy. In general, losses are generated as a result of the mean flow dissipating kinetic energy through the action of viscosity. The production of turbulence can be considered a preliminary step in this process. The measured total pressure contours from the three axial locations (1.00, 1.20 and 1.40Cx) demonstrate the development of the secondary losses. The peak loss core in each plane consists mainly of low momentum fluid that originates from the inlet endwall boundary layer. There are, however, additional losses generated as the flow mixes with downstream distance. These losses have been found to relate to the turbulent Reynolds stresses. An examination of the turbulent deformation work term demonstrates a mechanism of loss generation in the secondary flow region. The importance of the Reynolds shear stress to this process is explored in detail.



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