Gaming the System: An Agent-Based Model of Estimation Strategies and their Effects on System Performance


Meluso John1,Austin-Breneman Jesse2


1. Global Design Laboratory, Design Science Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 e-mail:

2. Global Design Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 e-mail:


Parameter estimates in large-scale complex engineered systems (LaCES) affect system evolution, yet can be difficult and expensive to test. Systems engineering uses analytical methods to reduce uncertainty, but a growing body of work from other disciplines indicates that cognitive heuristics also affect decision-making. Results from interviews with expert aerospace practitioners suggest that engineers bias estimation strategies. Practitioners reaffirmed known system features and posited that engineers may bias estimation methods as a negotiation and resource conservation strategy. Specifically, participants reported that some systems engineers “game the system” by biasing requirements to counteract subsystem estimation biases. An agent-based model (ABM) simulation which recreates these characteristics is presented. Model results suggest that system-level estimate accuracy and uncertainty depend on subsystem behavior and are not significantly affected by systems engineers' “gaming” strategy.


ASME International


Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design,Computer Science Applications,Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials

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