Geometric Parameters Influencing Flow in an Axisymmetric IC Engine Inlet Port Assembly: Part I—Valve Flow Characteristics


Maier Andreas1,Sheldrake Terry H.1,Wilcock Dennis1


1. School of Computing, Engineering and Technology, University of Sunderland, Sunderland, United Kingdom


Discharge characteristics in an IC engine inlet port and the dependency on geometrical parameters are examined for two valves having seat angles of 40 and 45 deg. The characteristics were established under steady-state conditions over a range of valve lifts up to L/D=0.25 and pressure differentials up to 100 mm H2O. The detailed boundary layer characteristics, indicating flow separation and reattachment on the valve seats, were established with the aid of heat transfer data using the transient liquid crystal technique. Details of the experimental methods for obtaining discharge coefficients and heat transfer coefficients are presented. The discharge and heat transfer data established the expected sequential progression, with lift through the four flow regimes for the valve with a 45 deg seat angle. For the valve with a 40 deg seat angle the four flow regimes were not present. The results demonstrate the extreme sensitivity of the valve flow and boundary layer state to small changes in valve geometry. [S0098-2202(00)00504-6]


ASME International


Mechanical Engineering

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