European Standard on Small Punch Testing of Metallic Materials


Bruchhausen Matthias1,Austin Tim1,Holmström Stefan1,Altstadt Eberhard2,Dymacek Petr3,Jeffs Spencer4,Lancaster Robert4,Lacalle Roberto5,Matocha Karel6,Petzová Jana7


1. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Petten, Netherlands

2. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany

3. Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic

4. Swansea University, Swansea, UK

5. Inesco Ingenieros, Santander, Spain

6. Material & Metallurgical Research, Ltd., Ostrava, Czech Republic

7. VUJE, Trnava, Slovak Republic


Life extension of aging nuclear power plant components requires knowledge of the properties of the service-exposed materials. For instance, in long term service the tensile and creep properties might decline and the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) might shift towards higher temperatures. Monitoring of structural components in nuclear power plants receives much attention — in particular in the context of lifetime extension of current plants, where the amount of material available for destructive testing is limited. Much effort has therefore been invested in the development of miniature testing techniques that allow characterizing structural materials with small amounts of material. The small punch (SP) test is one of the most widely used of these techniques. It has been developed for nuclear applications but its use is spreading to other industries. Although the SP technique has been used for more than 30 years, there is currently no standard covering its most widely used applications. Within the auspices of ECISS TC 101 “Test methods for steel (other than chemical analysis)” WG 1 is currently developing an EN standard on the “Small Punch Test Method for Metallic Materials”. The standard will address small punch testing for the determination of tensile/fracture properties as well as small punch creep testing. This paper gives an overview of the state-of-the art of the SP tests and describes the scope of the standard under development.


American Society of Mechanical Engineers







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