1. Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK
2. Cambridge University, UK
This paper presents a forced response prediction of 3 resonances in a low aspect ratio modern fan rotor and compares with other worker’s experimental data. The incoming disturbances are due to low engine-order inlet distortion from upstream screens. The resonances occur in the running range at 3 and 8 engine orders which cross low modes (flap, torsion and stripe) of the blade. The fan was tested with on-blade instrumentation at both on- and off-resonant conditions to establish the unsteady pressures due to known distortion patterns.
The resulting steady and unsteady flow in the fan blade passages has been predicted by three methods, all three-dimensional. The first is a linearised unsteady Euler method; the second is a non-linear unsteady Navier-Stokes method; the third method uses a similar level of aerodynamic modelling as the second but also includes a coupled model of the structural dynamics. The predictions for the 3 methods are presented against the test data, and further insight into the problem is obtained through post-processing of the data. Predictions of the blade vibration response are also obtained. Overall the level of agreement between calculations and measurements is considered encouraging although further research is needed.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
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9 articles.