Advances in Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser Technology State-of-the-Art: Part II—Analysis


Song Ruxin1,Stanton Paul1


1. Technip USA, Houston, TX


The Steel Catenary Riser (SCR) concept offers advantages over other riser concepts and has been widely deployed worldwide. The first deepwater SCR was installed in the Gulf of Mexico in 1994. Since then, more than 100 SCRs have been installed for many types of deepwater floaters (Spars, TLPs, SEMIs, and FPSOs) in the deepwater fields of West of Africa, the Gulf of Mexico (GoM), and Offshore Brazil. As the second of two companion papers, this paper presents the state-of-the-art of key analysis techniques of deepwater SCRs while the first paper addresses the design methodology [R. Song, P. Stanton, Ref. 4]. First of all, the procedure for analysis of deepwater SCRs is discussed and presented in more detail than given in the first paper and is also illustrated in an analysis flowchart. Wave theory applicable to deepwater SCR analysis and time domain vs. frequency domain analysis approaches are described and discussed. More focus is given to the strength analysis including discussion and comparison of regular wave and random wave approaches. Attention is paid to the vortex induced vibration (VIV) analysis including discussion of modal response analysis and VIV parameter selections. For SCRs on semisubmersibles and FPSOs, vessel heave-induced VIV needs to be taken into account, and a corresponding time-domain approach is presented. Similarly, for Spars and deep draft semisubmersibles, vortex-induced motion (VIM) fatigue damage of SCRs is discussed in more detail. Particular attention is also given to the analysis of SCR compression in the touch-down zone (TDZ) and corresponding acceptance criteria are presented. The application of fracture mechanics to engineering criticality assessment (ECA) is explored. Two examples of deepwater SCRs corresponding to a semi and a Spar are given to illustrate the presented methodology.



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