1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455
A special naphthalene sublimation technique is used to study the film cooling performance downstream of one row of holes of 35 deg inclination angle with 3d hole spacing and relatively small hole length to diameter ratio (L/d = 6.3). Both film cooling effectiveness and mass/heat transfer coefficient are determined for blowing rates from 0.5 to 2.0 with density ratio of 1.0. The mass transfer coefficient is measured using pure air film injection, while the film cooling effectiveness is derived from comparison of mass transfer coefficients obtained following injection of naphthalene-vapor-saturated air with those from pure air injection. This technique enables one to obtain detailed local information on film cooling performance. The laterally averaged and local film cooling effectiveness agree with previous experiments. The difference between mass/heat transfer coefficients and previous heat transfer results indicates that conduction error may play an important role in the earlier heat transfer measurements.
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46 articles.