Rationale for obtaining protein concentrate of industrial hemp seeds of Cannabis sativa L. of modern selection based on mathematical modeling and its application in food production


Petrenko A. V.1,Tarasov E. S.1,Kaminir O. N.1,Guba E. N.2,Kalinyuk E. A.1


1. FSBEI HE «Kuban State Technological University»

2. FSBEI HE «Plekhanov Russian University of Economics»


In recent decades interest in hemp seed concentrates, which are characterized by a valuable amino acid composition and high nutritional value, has increased. Hemp seeds are sources of vegetable protein and essential components for maintaining health due to the rich content of protein compounds, vitamins, and unsaturated fatty acids. So, production of protein concentrates from oilseeds is becoming relevant. Taking this into account, it is relevant to conduct research aimed at developing and improving the technology for obtaining protein products from the seeds of industrial hemp Cannabis Sativa L of modern selection, as well as expanding the possibility of their use as a part of a different range of food products. The seeds of industrial hemp Cannabis Sativa L of modern selection were used as objects of the research. The studies used both generally accepted and special chemical, physicochemical and physical methods for studying the quality of raw materials and finished products. The research was carried out to improve the technology for obtaining protein concentrate from the seeds of industrial hemp Cannabis Sativa L. based on mathematical modeling of the process, which showed the greatest efficiency in extracting protein concentrate using a 20% alcohol solution as an extractant. Analysis of the composition of the resulting protein concentrate showed a predominant content of globulins. At the same time, the composition of globulin fractions, in comparison with albumin, indicates a great potential for the use of globulin in the formulations of functional food products, as well as a component of targeted technological action. In general, the studies have shown the feasibility of using protein concentrates from industrial hemp seeds of Cannabis Sativa L of modern selection in food products as a functional and technological ingredient.


Maikop State Technological University

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