Development of semi-finished fish products for the fast food industry


Asfondyarova I. V.1,Yakovlev O. A.1,Demchenko V. A.2,Pavlovskaya N. A.1


1. Higher School of Service and Trade, Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade (IPMET), Peter the Great Polytechnic University (SPbPU)

2. Research Institute (military system research of material and technical support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) VA MTO


One of the segments of public catering market both abroad and in Russia is fast food products [1]. Restaurants of this format have a wide audience due to their loyal pricing policy, availability and constant new products [2]. In addition, the fast food industry, through various media and advertising, contributes to solving consumer problems related to lack of time, difficulty in preparation and ease of consumption. At the same time, fast food contributes to a decrease in the quality of nutrition and deterioration in the health of both young people and adults.The goal of the research is to identify consumer preferences in the segment of semi-finished fish products, evaluate their quality and develop recipes for fish products for fast food restaurants.The objectives of the research include marketing research of consumer preferences when choosing semi-finished fish products, assessing the quality of semi-finished fish products sold in retail trade and fast food establishments, and developing recipes for semi-finished fish products for the fast food industry. To conduct a social survey, Google-form has been used, organoleptic assessment has been carried out using 5-point grading scale; physicochemical indicators have been studied using standard methods.Using the results of marketing research, it has been established that semi-finished fish products in the form of fish cutlets and sticks are in demand; consumers want to see new fish items on the menu of fast food restaurants. According to organoleptic assessment and physical and chemical research, it has been found that the best consumer organoleptic properties are found in fish cutlets from fast food restaurants «Vkusno i Tochka», «Burger King» and fish sticks sold in the «Perekrestok» chain of stores. According to physicochemical indicators, the studied samples of semi-finished fish products do not exceed 2.5% in the amount of table salt, 71% moisture and 37% fat.As new items for the fast industry, recipes for semi-finished fish products were developed in the form of nuggets with the addition of processed cheese, pork fat and strips, from longitudinal strips of fish, breaded and deep-fried at a temperature of 180 ° C until golden brown.


Maikop State Technological University

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